Date Night

Earlier this week, my husband and I were chatting about ways to have a date night in the midst of the challenges associated with shelter-in-place. 

“We could have the kids go upstairs, and I could grill steaks and baked potatoes,” my husband suggested. 

As he said this, I looked over to see my son’s eyes light up. “I could eat steak and baked potatoes!” 

“You aren’t invited” I jokingly replied.

But this small interaction was yet another example of how, like so many things in our world right now, date night is either non-existent or different. Kids are always around, resources are limited, and exhaustion is at an all-time high. 

However, now isn’t the time to drift away from your spouse. Going out to eat and to the movies may be canceled, but romance and connection don’t have to be. Date nights offer couples a chance to reconnect and to reignite passion. When couples spend regular time together doing things apart from responsibilities, work, and kids, they build the resilience to weather difficult challenges such as the one we are all facing right now. 

The frequency and length of date nights (or date days) depend on your preference, resources, and energy level. If possible, I recommend weekly for at least an hour. If you have young babies or a crazy work schedule, this may not be possible. Something is always better than nothing. 

Here are some creative date ideas to strengthen your marriage while staying at home:

  1. Wake up early together and go outside with a cup of coffee. Read a devotional and spend time talking about what you learned. Afterwards, cuddle under a blanket together or go for a walk. Have more time? Make breakfast and reminisce about your first date or wedding, talk about a favorite vacation, or what makes you feel most loved by your partner. 

  2. Grab some takeout and set up a candlelight dinner. Have more time? Turn on some music and slow dance together. Use these conversation starters: What was the moment that you knew you were in love with me? What’s one positive change our marriage has had on you?

  3. Get active. Create an at-home gym, do an online class together, go for a bike ride, or go for a run. Have more time? Take a shower together and make love.

  4. Put the kids to bed and watch a movie together. Put your phones away, get a big blanket to cuddle under, get a snack, and enjoy watching a movie together that isn’t animated. 

This is a month’s worth of ideas. Each of these takes one to two hours and doesn’t cost much money. Make the time to prioritize your relationship. Have some fun and enjoy your partner!

Want even more help protecting your marriage with date nights? Check out Date Night Success!